urban planning
Delhi Master Plan 2041: What will it take to create a real connect between Yamuna and city dwellers?
Anubhav Pradhan Swati Janu
There’s an easy way to cool down cities: Make the pavements lighter-coloured and reflective
Hessam AzariJafari, The Conversation Randolph E Kirchain, The Conversation
Chandigarh needs innovative approaches to save its green cover in the face of growing urbanisation
Kunal Sharma Swayam Chowdhary
Understanding the challenges faced by women on Indian streets is key to promote cycling in cities
Harshita Jamba Amit Bhatt
Delhi’s 2041 master plan is an opportunity to make the city more inclusive for informal workers
Malavika Narayan Shalini Sinha
What India can learn from other countries about effective rental housing for migrant workers
Rejeet Mathews Prayash Giria
Cars are dominating the Indian streets – this needs to change in the post-Covid world
Govind Gopakumar
Indian cities may not be ready for Uber’s public transport feature
Ananya Bhattacharya, qz.com
India’s cities drive economic growth but are short on resources. How can the gap be bridged?
Meera Mehta Dinesh Mehta Dhruv Bhavsar
How a well-connected street network could help city residents live healthier lives
Chris Barrington-Leigh, The Conversation Adam Millard-Ball, The Conversation
Containing Covid-19 in megacities: Japan’s thoughtful urban planning has a lesson for the world
Kadambari Shah Harshita Agrawal
For India to build sustainable cities post-lockdown, re-cycling roads is key
Amit Bhatt Advait Jani
Delhi’s urban planners must stop ignoring the shoddy infrastructure in its 135 urban villages
Rina Chandran, Thomson Reuters Foundation News
Spraying disinfectants on city streets won’t do much to curb Covid-19 spread
Lisa Bricknell, The Conversation Dale Trott, The Conversation
How smart urban planning can help you stay in shape
John Rennie Short, The Conversation
Road test: Nine Indian cities among top 100 with worst street connectivity
Jameela Ahmed, IndiaSpend.com
India needs to rethink Master Planning – and Delhi can lead the way
Shalini Sinha Malavika Narayan
Barcelona’s car-free superblocks are a lesson in urban planning for the rest of the world
Anupam Nanda, The Conversation
What urban planners today can learn from Leonardo da Vinci’s 15th-century ‘ideal city’ design
Alessandro Melis, The Conversation
‘Destructive futility’: 10 reasons why Mumbai’s Coastal Road Project should be scrapped
Hussain Indorewala